Best AI Side Hustles You Can Start with $0 in 2024

Let’s start with the easiest AI side hustles and work up to the more challenging ones that can bring in even higher earnings.

Let's dive into the exciting world of AI side hustles that you can start without spending a dime in 2024. I'm pumped to share these nine awesome opportunities with you. They're not just theoretical ideas - I've personally tried or am still doing many of these myself.

So, let's get started and explore how you can potentially make hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day using AI!

Let’s start with the easiest AI side hustles and work up to the more challenging ones that can bring in even higher earnings.

Side Hustle 1. Photo Colorization

First up, we've got a super cool and easy side hustle - colorizing black and white photos. You know how people love to look at old family pictures? Well, imagine being able to breathe new life into those cherished memories by adding colour. It's like magic, and people are willing to pay for it!

On Fiverr, a popular freelance marketplace, folks are offering this service for about $5 to $10 per photo. Now, I know what you're thinking - that doesn't sound like much. But here's the kicker: with AI, it only takes about 15 seconds to do! That's right, in less time than it takes to tie your shoelaces, you can transform a photo and make some cash.

So, how does it work? Let me introduce you to CapCut, a free all-in-one video editing and graphic design tool. They've got this awesome new CapCut for Business suite that's packed with AI tools for entrepreneurs and creators. One of these tools is the photo colorizer.

Using it is a piece of cake. You just drag and drop a black-and-white photo into the tool, and boom! In the blink of an eye, you've got a coloured version. It's like watching a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat, except you're the magician!

But wait, there's more! If you want to make even more money, you can offer some extra services. For example:

1. Photo restoration: Old photos often come faded and scratched. With CapCut's old photo restoration tool, you can fix those damages and make the pictures look brand new.

2. Upscaling: Using the image upscaler tool, you can increase the resolution of an old photo, making it higher quality. It's like giving those old photos a high-definition makeover!

Now, let's talk about the nitty-gritty. On a scale of 1 to 5 sweat drops (with 5 being the sweatiest), I'd rate the difficulty of photo colorization at 1. It's super easy to do. But here's the catch - because it's so easy, there's a lot of competition, especially on Fiverr. This limits how much you can charge.

For earning potential, I'd give it 1 out of 5 stacks of cash. To really make it work, you might need to get creative with your marketing. Think about promoting your services offline to retirement homes or funeral homes. You'll need to put on your thinking cap to stand out from the crowd.

Side Hustle 2. Clothing Model Photos

Next up, we've got a side hustle that's perfect for all you fashionistas out there. But don't worry, you won't need to practice your catwalk or perfect your Blue Steel look. With AI, you've got an entire army of models at your fingertips!

Here's the deal: clothing brands often need photos of models wearing their products. Traditionally, this meant hiring real models, setting up photoshoots, and spending a ton of money. But with AI, we're changing the game.

Enter the CapCut for Business AI model tool. It's like having a virtual fashion show in your computer. Here's how it works:

  1. Upload a photo of a piece of clothing.
  2. Choose a model from the AI's catalogue.
  3. Click generate.
  4. Voila! In seconds, the AI magically puts your clothing onto the model.

It's like playing dress-up but with digital dolls and real clothes. How cool is that?

Now, you might be wondering, "Where's the money in this?" Well, you can offer this service on Fiverr or reach out directly to small clothing brands. Typically, a photo shoot with a real model can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Will people pay the same for AI models? Probably not. But would they pay $20, $50, or even $100? There's a good chance they might!

Let's break it down:

Difficulty: 1 out of 5 sweat drops. It's as easy as uploading a photo and clicking a button.

Earning potential: 2 out of 5 stacks of cash. Most clients choosing AI models likely have a limited budget, so you'll earn less per job than with real model photoshoots. But remember, you can do a lot more jobs in less time, so the volume could make it worthwhile.

Side Hustle 3. Video Captioning

Alright, let's talk about something that's becoming more and more important in the world of video content: captions. You know those little text lines at the bottom of videos? They're not just for watching movies in a noisy room anymore. They're everywhere, making content more accessible and keeping our short attention spans engaged.

And guess what? There is a big demand for captioning services. On Fiverr, people are making anywhere from $10 to $60 per video, depending on how long it is. That is not too shabby for something that AI can help you do super quickly!

Here's how it works with CapCut:

  1. Create a video project and place your video on the timeline.
  2. Click on "captions" and then "auto captions."
  3. Sit back and watch as AI captions the entire video for you in seconds.
  4. Review the captions to fix any errors (because let's face it, AI isn't perfect... yet).
  5. Export and you're done!

But wait, there's more! (I feel like an infomercial host, but seriously, there is more). You can offer some cool extras to make even more money:

  1. Different fonts and styles: Make those captions pop!
  2. In and out animations: Add some pizzazz to how the captions appear and disappear.
  3. Translations in multiple languages: Just make sure you know the language you're translating to, or things might get a bit... interesting.

Now, you could offer your captioning services on Fiverr, but here's a pro tip: reach out directly to potential clients. Look for:

  • Small to medium-sized content creators
  • Podcasters
  • Businesses that post webinars and interviews
  • Real estate agents who post property videos

If you can land some long-term partnerships, you could be looking at some serious cash flow.

So, how does this side hustle stack up?

Difficulty: 1 out of 5 sweat drops. It's pretty straightforward, especially with AI doing most of the heavy lifting.

Earning potential: 2 out of 5 stacks of cash. While you might not become a millionaire overnight, with the right clients and a bit of hustle, you could definitely make a nice side income.

Side Hustle 4. Product Photos

Remember when we talked about clothing photos earlier? Well, other types of products need photos too. And one thing businesses are always looking for is that classic white background for their product shots. You know the ones - they make the product look like it's floating in a sea of pristine whiteness. It's like the product is having its glamour shot moment!

Here's where you come in. Using CapCut's online photo editor, you can:

  1. Upload a raw photo of a product.
  2. Click "remove background" on the side.
  3. Toggle on "auto removal."
  4. Watch as AI magically cuts out the background.

It's seriously that easy. On Fiverr, people are adding white backgrounds for about $5 per photo. Now, $5 might not sound like much, but remember - it only takes a couple of seconds to do. That's a pretty good hourly rate when you think about it!

But wait, there's more! (I promise I'll stop sounding like an infomercial soon). You can also offer the opposite service - adding detailed backgrounds to product photos. Here's how:

  1. Go to CapCut and click on "apps," then "change background."
  2. Upload your raw product photo.
  3. Choose from a variety of background options.
  4. CapCut will analyze your product and generate a custom AI background that interacts with it.

This is where you can start charging more than $5 per photo. It's like giving products their own mini-photoshoot!

Now, if you really want to make the big bucks with product photos, here's a pro tip: work with businesses that don't even have photos to begin with. Back in my university days, I had a side hustle doing product photography for a company that made product development hardware. I'd go to their office every few months, take photos, and then spend hours in Photoshop cutting out backgrounds. I made over $100 each time, and over the years, it added up to thousands.

With AI, you can do what I did, but in seconds. It's like having a time machine that also prints money!

So, how does this side hustle measure up?

Difficulty: 2 out of 5 sweat drops. The editing is super easy with AI, but if you're going to take the product photos yourself, you'll need to know a bit about photography.

Earning potential: 3 out of 5 stacks of cash. There's definitely money to be made here, especially if you can land some regular clients.

Side Hustle 5. Social Media Graphics

Alright, let's talk about something that's always in demand: social media graphics. Back when I was freelancing for that product development company, I also designed a ton of social media graphics for them. Over the years, it added up to thousands of dollars. And now, with AI, it's easier than ever to offer this service to businesses.

CapCut has this cool tool called "text to design" where you can:

  1. Write a description of the graphic you want.
  2. Upload an image.
  3. Watch as it generates several custom graphics for you to choose from.

It's like having a team of designers at your fingertips!

But that's not all. CapCut also has a library of business image templates you can use as a starting point. They've got:

  • Standard square templates
  • Instagram story templates
  • And more!

Plus, you can always edit a graphic from scratch if you want to get really creative.

Now, here's the secret to making real money with social media graphics: long-term partnerships. You want to aim for consistent work. Try reaching out to some businesses and see if they're interested in ongoing graphic design services.

And here's a pro tip: offer to write social media copy as an upsell to your design package. You can even use ChatGPT to help you with this. It's like having an AI-powered marketing team in your pocket!

So, how does this side hustle rate?

Difficulty: 3 out of 5 sweat drops. While you can use templates, if you ever need to make something specific, you'll need to know a thing or two about graphic design.

Earning potential: 3 out of 5 stacks of cash. It's a great gig, especially if you can land some regular clients.

Side Hustle 6. Content Repurposing

Alright, let's talk about a side hustle that's perfect for the TikTok and Instagram Reels era: content repurposing. Many video creators need help turning their long-form content into bite-sized pieces for social media. And guess what? They're willing to pay tens to hundreds of dollars per edit!

So, what does content repurposing usually involve?

  1. Adding captions (which we covered earlier - you're already an expert!)
  2. Resizing to fit the aspect ratio of each platform

CapCut's online video editor makes this super easy. You can quickly switch between common social media aspect ratios. And if you're repurposing for TikTok, there's even a preview feature to make sure elements like captions aren't covered up. It's like having a social media crystal ball!

But wait, there's more! (Okay, I lied about stopping the infomercial voice). Many creators also want video effects and b-roll added. This is where you can really show off your creative skills and charge more.

Here's a pro tip: start by reaching out to creators who make simple talking head, interview, or podcast videos. These are easy to repurpose, and many of these creators are desperate for help. It's like finding a goldmine of potential clients!

So, how does this side hustle stack up?

Difficulty: 3 out of 5 sweat drops. It does require some video editing knowledge, but with AI tools, it's getting easier every day.

Earning potential: 3 out of 5 stacks of cash. There's good money to be made here, especially if you can work efficiently and land some regular clients.

Side Hustle 7. YouTube Thumbnails

Now, let's talk about something that can make or break a YouTube video: thumbnails. These little images are like the book covers of the YouTube world - they can be the difference between someone clicking on a video or scrolling right past it.

On Fiverr, people are charging up to $50 per thumbnail. But here's a secret: there are plenty of YouTubers out there who are willing to pay even more. Why? Because they know just how important a good thumbnail is. It's like the difference between a store with an amazing window display and one with a blank wall.

You can design thumbnails using CapCut. They've got tons of features to play with:

  1. Text tools
  2. Photo Editing
  3. Stickers
  4. And more!

The remove background tool we talked about earlier is super handy for this too. It's like having a digital Swiss Army knife for thumbnail creation!

But here's the thing: designing a good-looking thumbnail is one thing. Designing one that people will actually click on? That's a whole other ball game. If you want to succeed in this side hustle, you're going to need to do some research. Study what makes a thumbnail clickable. It's like becoming a psychologist for YouTube viewers!

To bring in clients, try reaching out to creators big and small, as well as businesses with YouTube channels. Have a portfolio ready to show them, or even better, create some custom examples just for them. It's like giving them a free sample of your awesome thumbnail-making skills!

So, how does this side hustle measure up?

Difficulty: 3 out of 5 sweat drops. There's definitely a learning curve when it comes to creating thumbnails that get clicks.

Earning potential: 3 out of 5 stacks of cash. With the right clients and skills, you could make some serious money here.

Side Hustle 8. Video Editing

Alright, now we're getting into the big leagues. Video editing was another one of my university side hustles, and let me tell you, it made me thousands of dollars. There's a ton of demand from businesses and content creators, and with AI, it's never been easier to get started.

CapCut has some mind-blowing tools that can literally edit videos for you. For example, their "product URL to ads" tool is like having a team of video editors in your computer. Here's how it works:

  1. Paste in a product link.
  2. The AI analyzes the website.
  3.  It generates several custom video ads for your product.

It's like magic, but for marketing!

But that's not all. CapCut also has a bunch of business video templates for all kinds of products and services. You just drag and drop your clips in, and you're done. It's like playing with digital Lego blocks, but the end result is a professional-looking video!

Now, here's the thing: if you want to make big money with video editing, you'll need to learn how to edit outside of these AI tools and templates. It's like learning to cook from scratch instead of just using a microwave. But don't worry - with practice and patience, you can become a video editing master!

So, how does this side hustle rate?

Difficulty: 4 out of 5 sweat drops. There's definitely a lot to learn here, but the payoff can be huge.

Earning potential: 4 out of 5 stacks of cash. With the right skills and clients, you could be looking at some serious income.

Side Hustle 9. Becoming an AI Influencer

Alright, we've reached the final boss of AI side hustles: becoming an influencer. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Isn't being an influencer all about being... well, you?" But here's the twist: AI influencers are becoming a thing. It's like science fiction, but it's happening right now!

Even I've dipped my toes into this water - I made an AI YouTube channel. It's like having a digital clone of myself making content!

You can start exploring this brave new world using CapCut's AI character tool. It's available on their mobile app and lets you generate a human on screen that can say anything you want. You can choose from different characters, looks, and voices. It's like creating your own digital actor!

But wait, there's more! (Okay, I promise this is the last time I'll say that). CapCut for Business has a tool called "Script to video" where AI will make an entire video for you. Here's how it works:

  1. Type out what you want your video to be about.
  2. Press enter.
  3. The AI generates a script.
  4. It then creates a whole video with visuals, music, captions, and voiceovers.

It's like having an entire production team in your pocket! Now, I'll be honest - the results can be a bit basic at first. It's like watching a student film rather than a Hollywood blockbuster. But it's a great starting point, and you can always dive in and edit the video further to add your personal touch.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: becoming an influencer, even with AI help, is not easy. It's probably the hardest side hustle on this list. But here's the thing - if you can make it work, the potential is huge. We're talking sky's-the-limit kind of potential.

So, how does this futuristic side hustle measure up?

Difficulty: 5 out of 5 sweat drops. It's definitely the most challenging option on our list. You're not just learning to use AI tools, you're trying to build an audience and create engaging content. It's like juggling while riding a unicycle - on a tightrope.

Earning potential: 5 out of 5 stacks of cash. If you can crack the code and build a following, the earning potential is massive. We're talking about the possibility of sponsorships, merchandise, and more. It's like winning the lottery, but instead of lucky numbers, you're using AI and creativity.

Some tips for aspiring AI influencers:

1. Find your niche: What unique perspective can your AI persona offer? Maybe it's a comedy channel where the joke is that the host is AI, or perhaps it's an educational channel where the AI can process and explain complex topics quickly.

2. Let your audience know they're interacting with an AI. Authenticity (even about being inauthentic) can help build trust.

3. Use AI to help generate responses to comments, but add your personal touch to keep things genuine.

4. The world of AI is evolving rapidly. Keep learning and incorporating new tools and techniques into your content.

5. Partner with human influencers for interesting crossovers. It's like a meetup between the present and the future of social media!

Wrapping It Up: Your AI Side Hustle Journey

And there you have it - nine awesome AI side hustles you can start with zero dollars in 2024. From bringing old photos to life with colorization to becoming a digital influencer, there's something here for everyone.

Remember, the key to success with any of these hustles is persistence and creativity. AI tools like CapCut are amazing, but they're just that - tools. Your unique ideas, problem-solving skills, and ability to connect with clients are what will set you apart.

As you embark on your AI side hustle journey, keep these tips in mind:

  1. You don't need to master all nine hustles at once. Pick one that interests you and fits your skills, then expand from there.
  2. The world of AI is changing fast. Stay curious and keep up with new developments.
  3. Whether it's with clients or your audience, strong relationships can lead to long-term success.
  4. Try new things, combine different hustles, and see what works best for you.
  5. As you're working with AI, always be transparent about what's AI-generated and what's not.

Remember, the goal isn't just to make money (although that's nice too!). It's about finding a side hustle that you enjoy, that challenges you, and that allows you to grow both personally and professionally.

So, which AI side hustle are you going to try first? Maybe you'll start by colorizing some old family photos, or perhaps you're ready to dive into the world of AI influencing. Whatever you choose, remember that every expert was once a beginner. The most important step is the first one - so go ahead and take it!

Who knows? With a bit of hard work and some help from our AI friends, you might just find yourself with a thriving side business. Or hey, maybe it'll even turn into a full-time gig! The future is AI, and you're getting in on the ground floor. How exciting is that?

So, are you ready to start your AI side hustle adventure? The world of AI-powered entrepreneurship is waiting for you. Let's make some digital magic happen!

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